Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.
~ Brené Brown
Due to the nature of my work, I am not able to ask my clients for feedback, however I would like to humbly share some of the testimonials and evaluations received from my students of Counselling and Eurythmy.

I feel so lucky to have Sonia as my professor. Her whole being is so encouraging and open which makes it so easy for me to learn and grow. She truly is someone who will not only impact my counselling journey positively, but someone who possesses skills I strive to attain.
Sonia is wonderful. She seems so kind and is so enthusiastic at teaching this course. I felt she did a great job at facilitating residency and made it such a safe space for everyone. I feel she really helped bring our cohort together and to facilitate that closeness. I really hope I get her again!
Your passion and depth of knowledge and understanding shines. Your excitement keeps us going, and your earnest approach draws us in. I floated away from your class feeling refreshed and more whole. Thank you.
Thanks Sonia for you supportive and enthusiastic and caring teaching, and management of this learning space. I feel very inspired by your teaching and who you are.
Wow! You are an inspiration as a teacher and as a movement artist. This class has meant a lot to me and brought feelings and dreams into my personal life and soul.
Thank you so much for your light and wisdom, Sonia. You bring yourself and for that I am ever grateful. I feel that you are able to see into everyone’s soul and that means so much!
Sonia is a gift to us all. I appreciate how willing she is to respond to what we need. The whole experience… I will treasure it always.
Thank you for seeing all of us for who we are! Thank you for seeing me and loving me. Thank you for your expertise and clarity and fun and spunk and knowledge!
I loved this class! Thank you, Sonia, for your great positive energy and the encouragement throughout these past two weeks. I felt challenged yet you held us in a safe space to make mistakes and keep growing.
Sonia has an amazingly adaptive and responsive style. She knows when to give a little push but she’s careful and perceptive and knows when to stop. She brings lively joyful energy. Amazing.
This was my favourite class ever! Thank you so much for all the passion and enthusiasm you bring in, for challenging us to do our best.
This class was really special to me. Your humor, enthusiasm and passion were contagious.
I loved the challenge and growth and laughter and tears. Some moments were truly breathtaking. I loved how flexible Sonia was and how elegantly and cheerfully she strived to meet us.
Sonia, wow! What a special experience! It felt so magical connecting with you and the way we worked as a class. I am deeply grateful for your commitment and spirit and dedication.
But if you travel far enough, one day you will recognize yourself coming down to meet yourself. And you will say - yes.
~ Marion Woodman
Even though due to the nature of my work I am not able to ask my clients for feedback, I would like to humbly share some of the testimonials and evaluations received from my adult students of Eurythmy, as well as Counselling.

I feel so lucky to have Sonia as my professor. Her whole being is so encouraging and open which makes it so easy for me to learn and grow. She truly is someone who will not only impact my counselling journey positively, but someone who possesses skills I strive to attain.
Sonia is wonderful. She seems so kind and is so enthusiastic at teaching this course. I felt she did a great job at facilitating residency and made it such a safe space for everyone. I feel she really helped bring our cohort together and to facilitate that closeness. I really hope I get her again!
Thanks Sonia for you supportive and enthusiastic and caring teaching, and management of this learning space. I feel very inspired by your teaching and who you are.
Your passion and depth of knowledge and understanding shines. Your excitement keeps us going, and your earnest approach draws us in. I floated away from your class feeling refreshed and more whole. Thank you.
Wow! You are an inspiration as a teacher and as a movement artist. This class has meant a lot to me and brought feelings and dreams into my personal life and soul.
Thank you so much for your light and wisdom, Sonia. You bring yourself and for that I am ever grateful. I feel that you are able to see into everyone’s soul and that means so much!
Sonia is a gift to us all. I appreciate how willing she is to respond to what we need. The whole experience… I will treasure it always.
Thank you for seeing all of us for who we are! Thank you for seeing me and loving me. Thank you for your expertise and clarity and fun and spunk and knowledge!
I loved this class! Thank you, Sonia, for your great positive energy and the encouragement throughout these past two weeks. I felt challenged yet you held us in a safe space to make mistakes and keep growing.
Sonia has an amazingly adaptive and responsive style. She knows when to give a little push but she’s careful and perceptive and knows when to stop. She brings lively joyful energy. Amazing.
This was my favourite class ever! Thank you so much for all the passion and enthusiasm you bring in, for challenging us to do our best.
This class was really special to me. Your humor, enthusiasm and passion were contagious.
I loved the challenge and growth and laughter and tears. Some moments were truly breathtaking. I loved how flexible Sonia was and how elegantly and cheerfully she strived to meet us.
Sonia, wow! What a special experience! It felt so magical connecting with you and the way we worked as a class. I am deeply grateful for your commitment and spirit and dedication.
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke