Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

~ Rumi 

Therapeutic Relationship

The way I see my work, which is also my calling, is having the honour to journey alongside and assist those who suffer. I am ready to support you whether you are in crisis or going through one of life’s major transitions. Perhaps you need to process some of your childhood wounds or address questions arising from the life you are currently living. I will be there if you need a witness to your story or if you want to better understand yourself and the world we live in.

How it works

When you decide to engage in counselling with me, I will do my best to help you engage with the most important person in the therapy room which is yourself. Yes, it can be scary and intimidating at first, since we are often estranged from ourselves (for reasons we will get to understand over time). But I can promise you that we will proceed slowly, making sure we have all the tools needed to maintain safety, openness, trust, curiosity, and hope along the way. When done right the therapy is always an exciting journey of reclaiming who we truly are, what we came here to do, remembering our dreams, and understanding and listening to rather than pathologizing the symptoms that are showing up in our life.


Together we will decide how many times we need to meet. I am open to a short- and long-term therapy depending on individual needs. Sometimes one might just need a little encouragement or clarification, some gentle tweaking to feel whole again. Occasionally that journey inward might require more time, more attending to and a longer time devoted to healing.


$140 for 60-minute sessions
$200 for 90-minute sessions

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations or rescheduling require 24 hours’ notice. Full session fee will apply for any cancellations or rescheduling that are given less than 24 hours’ notice. To cancel or reschedule a session, please call or text me at 778-927-1219.

Counselling fees for a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) qualify for reimbursement with some Extended Health Benefits Plans.

It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.

~ Wendell Berry